Ironton, Ohio Location
2122 South 9th Street
Ironton, OH  45638
Phone – (866) 241-3344
Fax – (304)522-7839

Disability Attorney in Ironton, Ohio

If you or someone you know is dealing with a disability and plans on seeking Social Security benefits, having an experienced attorney on your side is important to give yourself the best chances at receiving the benefits you need. Attorney Dru Shope has worked as a disability lawyer for three decades and helped thousands of people just like you get their benefits.

Get a Free Consultation

The Social Security process can be very stressful. The complications of the initial application, stressful documentation requirements, and the appeal process can be extremely frustrating and make it difficult to get your benefits when you need them.

That’s why we never add pressure with upfront fees.

When you work with us, you never have to worry about paying unless we obtain benefits for you. The consultation is absolutely free, and the entire process is at no risk to you.

Social Security Disability Lawyer

Many attorneys in Ironton, OH don’t provide specialized help. With the detailed nature of Social Security claims, it is important that you have someone dedicated to this area of law—one incorrectly filed paper or lack of documentation can be the difference in getting your benefits or not.

Attorney Dru Shope has dedicated his professional career to helping people in Ironton, OH and the Tri-State area file successful claims and go successfully appeal denials so they can receive their benefits. With 30 years of experience working in Social Security law, having Attorney Dru Shope as your lawyer gives you the expertise you need to make the best claim possible.

If you live in Ironton, OH, give us a call at 304-522-8255 or 866-241-3344 today and let Attorney Shope secure your benefits. When you consult with us, you don’t have to worry about talking to a legal aide or other non-attorney representatives. Attorney Shope handles every case so you have an expert on your side.